Tuesday 10

I had initially planned a Tasty Tuesday post but I honestly don't have anything prepared. I attempted to take pictures for my New Year's Day roast but by the time it was finished Hubby was so hungry I dished out his plate and mine and forgot to take the end photos. Oops. So instead I'm going to post a Tuesday 10 and for my list of 10 items I'm going to post my New Year's Resolutions. I planned a Friday 15 but I can't come up with 15 resolutions anyway so it all works out!

1. Workout - Lose Weight - Get Fit

As you know I've already started on this goal. This is basically the #1 New Year's Resolution for everyone. Hopefully my Fitness Friday posts help with this!

2.  Get my motorcycle endorsement
I've already got my permit in the state of California, I have been waiting on our military base to get re-certified to offer the BRC (basic rider's course) but they are not doing that right now, so basically I will have to  take the DMV motorcycle test. I can still take the course on class but it will not get me out of the DMV one.

3.  Eat healthier
My husband and I have tried this a dozen times in the past and it's either too expensive, our produce doesn't get eaten fast enough, or we get lazy and have no time to put together something healthy. We bought a juicer a little over a year ago and rarely use it, but it came with a counter top mini blender and bottle (like a knock-off Nutribullet) that I'd like to start using. It's smaller so it could stay out and it's easier to clean. We'll see.

4.  Get organized
I have spells of extreme organization and extreme laziness. Usually I try to have a place for everything but there are times (or rooms in the house) where everything just gets thrown in a box or a closet to deal with later. The husband doesn't help with organizing at all and most of the time it's all his military gear tossed all over the place. It drives me crazy. 

5.  Keep the house cleaner for longer
This goes with the organization, I'd like to keep things picked up so our second couch isn't the catch-all for stuff but again my husband has no desire to pick up after himself so I need to get him to help out more. Also though, because we live out in the desert and many of the houses here are very old, weatherstripping goes bad, houses lean, there's no grass just dirt, everything gets dusty 50x quicker than in many other living places. I could dust today and by tomorrow everything would already be covered in a film of dirt because dirt gets in all the cracks of the windows and doors. It's worse when it's windy.

6.  Save $2700
The reason I picked that number is not really a reason at all, just that I like the number 27 and I feel that's a decent amount to save and that I could accomplish even with paying my student loans back. I don't really have any plans for it, just to save it and look at it in my savings account. We have trouble saving money especially the last quarter of 2014. A lot of it was things we couldn't avoid and expenses we had to pay and it was out of our control (military uniforms, Ball tickets, travel, tires, etc.).

7.  Read 1 book every month
Where I work you'd think that I'd be reading books constantly. I thought so too, but I feel like I can never find time in the day to be able to just sit and read. It's not like TV takes over MY life (my husband on the other hand gets home and does nothing but watch TV) but I'm always cleaning or putting away stuff or running errands. It's endless. There are so many books old and new that I'd love to read. So I want to read at least 1 per month, if not more.

8.  Stay positive
Military life is tough, and being a military wife can be rough. Sometimes Hubby won't be home until 8pm and I get frustrated because I needed help doing laundry or I cooked him dinner that he now missed. I know it's not his fault and it's out of our control, but sometimes I think everyone just snaps at some point. I'd like to try to not do that as often because I know Hubby comes home in a bad mood because he didn't want to stay late either, or be in the field with no shower for 2 weeks, or getting yelled at for something that happened at work or just because his higher-ups are having a bad day. It doesn't help when he comes home and I'm yelling at him too.

9.  Start school for an MLS
So I still want to do nursing, but out here it's nearly impossible for me to do an accelerated BSN program because the nearest school is 90 miles away. Until we move out of this desert I am kind of stuck. I actually really enjoy my current job though and I figured since all science degrees require in-person labs (you can't do it 100% online) I figure I can just get my MLS (Master's in Library Science) while I'm here because I can do it online which means I don't have to travel extra and I can still work. Plus, if I can get in as an academic librarian I can still make decent money and only work 10 months out of the year! I already have some schools in mind and recommendations from my manager. I'd like to get going on that soon.

10. Drive safer
Ok, this sounds bad right? I'm actually a good driver. I've never been in an accident and I've only ever received 1 ticket (pulled over twice, but the first was just a warning for semi-blocking an intersection on my first day of college because traffic was horrible). I just tend to get irritated at other drivers too easily. The slow pokes cruising in the fast lane. The teenagers who rip in and out of traffic and cut people off, the guy who never uses his turn signal, you know the people I'm talking about. I need to just chill and not get to fired up about it. I wish all those people could get tickets or something but that will never happen.


Anonymous said...

That's so great that you are enjoying your job so much that you are considering getting an MLS. :) I know it wasn't the path you planned, but sometimes going 'off course' ends up being a great life decision. Keep us posted.

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