Sunday Fun Day - Norman Reedus Came to Town!

So I realize it's almost a whole week late but I've been crazy busy. I got a little promotion at work so I was sent away to another location for official training and I have spent almost more time in my car driving to and from my training location than I did actually working. It was miserable. I got to carpool with some of the awesome ladies who were also training and that lived near my area but still... I'm glad to be home in my own branch :)

So last weekend someone started a Facebook post about Norman Reedus being in my town. My town is tiny. Most people don't know where it is and when you tell them the name half the time they don't believe you. It's near the southwest edge of the Mojave desert. Nothing big ever happens out here, so when you hear Norman Reedus is in town you can bet everyone is out looking for him.

In case you're unaware, Norman Reedus is currently most know for playing Daryl Dixon on AMC's The Walking Dead, he's the badass zombie hunter that rides a motorcycle and uses a crossbow. Others may know him from Boondock Saints. In either case, the girls love him.

As soon as I heard he was at one of our local bars (with pictures someone posted as proof!) I squealed and danced all over the house and called my friend from work. We planned to go look for him. We had some leads but they were all from about an hour or two prior. There were many stories of why he was here, where he was staying, and so on. One story was that he was visiting his sister whose husband is stationed out here in the military. I'm not sure whether that was true or not but what was really the case was he was doing an independent (french foreign?) film called "Sky" I believe. He was here for the weekend and eventually people were able to figure out where he was staying and which trailer park he was filming at. Like I said, it's a small town and we are a pretty chatty community. Word gets around fast.

Anyway my friend and I (leaving my husband at home) took off in search for him. We checked the bar (twice), the bowling alley, a few places on base, the pool hall, and so on. We never found him, but it was such a fun little adventure. Nothing this exciting ever seems to happen. If you look back a few days on Reedus' Instagram he posted a few pictures, so did his fellow actress he was filming with. Hopefully they return to shoot some more stuff!


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