
The inevitable first post. So I suppose I should introduce myself. If you've found this blog by my Facebook page then you probably already know me. If you stumbled upon this by accident or want to know more about me continue on reading.

First off, my name is Katie. I thought for a long while on what the title of this blog should be and then only thing that stuck was the title you see now! I'm sure you're wondering "why wiggle butts?" Well let me tell you.

Dixie (white) & Diesel (black)

My husband and I got two Australian Shepherd puppies over summer. Some Aussies have naturally bobbed tails so when they "wag their tail" they move their whole butt, so we call them wiggle butts. It's a common phrase many use for their pets without tails. I will go into more detail on them in a separate post dedicated to how we got them.

I've tried blogging many times before but I never really had a plan. So here's what I plan on doing here! I want to set themes for certain days of the week and it will incorporate different topics like tips for life and life hacks, updates on the Wiggle Butts, beauty reviews and tutorials, maybe a few hauls, outfits of the day, fitness/health/wellness, cooking, decorating and DIY projects, and even some lists or favorites! I'll list some of my ideas below

  • Man Crush Monday (not every Monday, but some)
  • Tastey Tuesday or Tuesday Tens
  • Wiggle Butt Wednesday (of course!)
  • Thoughtful Thursday (possible use of blog prompts or quotes or places to travel)
  • Fitness Fridays (my first post on that I will go into further details, probably once or twice a month)
I'm always interested in reading any comments, ideas, suggestions, tips, advice, anything! So please don't hesitate to comment or share!

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